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Black Book Éditions, le site de référence des jeux de rôle

Numenera Dragonlance ... sisi ...y'en qui y ont pensé ;) 4

Forums > Jeux de rôle > JdR Black Book > Numenéra


Figurez-vous qu'en regardant les forums de Numenéra, je suis tombé sur le propos d'un MJ qui parlait de sa campagne perso de Numenera prenant pour corpus de campagne Dragonlance et ça donne ça :

Campaign Background

Paladine is an entity of the datasphere, a sentinel program designed to protect and preserve Ansalon left over from a previous age. He was granted sentience and is able to utilize holograms, nanotech, and hard light technology to interact with the world. His purpose was to guide, protect, and defend the people of Ansalon, and his greatest tool was a biotechnical weapon known in the folklore of the people of the ninth age as Dragons.

Time passed, and the civilization that built Paladine passed with it, leaving him behind to try and guide the new race of men as they slowly rose from the ashes and occupied Ansalon. The primitive races, as they developed, came to accept Paladine and his many representations in the world as gods, and worshiped him as such. At some point, however, a portion of his programming became corrupted, splintering away the subroutines of his design that were used for combat, war, and genetic manipulation to form Takhissis, a new fully formed entity bent on spreading her corruption and madness into the world. She is the formless Chaos given shape and the ability to interact with the world, symbolized by her twisting of the Platinum Dragon that was one of Paladine’s avatars into the 5 headed chromatic dragon. Those who served her in the world had their forms twisted and warped to mirror hers, forming the abhumans. Her dragons were twisted to her malign purposes as well. When her armies and legions of evil dragons invaded the world in force, she nearly conquered all of Ansalon to her might, as Paladine’s powers of preservation and knowledge were not immediately able to defeat her raw, untamed might. However, the armies of men rose up against them, aided by the dragons who had remained loyal to Paladine and armed with the Dragonlances, hard light weapons designed to disrupt the bio-mechanical numenera that sustain the life of dragons. Takhissis was eventually defeated at the High Clerist’s Tower in the Solamnia and trapped within a confined pocket of the datasphere (essentially a server not connected to the greater Datasphere, codenamed “Abyss.”) 

Over time the legends of the first War of the Lance changed. Men moved on. The stories of men rising up to defeat Takhissis changed over time to create a hero, Huma, who had been granted power by Paladine personally to strike down the dark goddess. Those who worshipped the “god” Paladine were granted access to restorative Numenera and were said to be able to work great miracles (possessing the “Who works miracles” focus,) leading to their rise in power and influence across Ansalon. For a time, Paladine thought this was the best way to protect his charges, having seen what beneficial effect he could have upon the world during the War of the Lance. One of his servants, however, was too ambitious, ever hungering for the power that Paladine was said to have granted to Huma. Eagerly he delved into the secrets of the Numenera, tinkering with ever more dangerous power that he did not understand and could not safely wield, until eventually he activated a left-over device from a bygone age long before Paladine was even created that called a mountain of fire from the sky, obliterating Istar, the Kingpriest’s capital city, and issuing in a Cataclysm that would reshape Ansalon completely. 


Paladine, seeing the destruction he had indirectly caused by granting his power to mortals, withdrew in his grief and left Ansalon’s inhabitants to their own devices. Men and women who had previously been able to channel his power were suddenly unable to defend their friends and neighbors from the ensuing horror. Abandoned, the frightened masses turned on the god’s former servants. Few of these survived, and the general idea was accepted that Paladine had turned his face from the people of Ansalon and left them to their suffering. Most of the great cities fell. Old alliances between men and the visitant races fell apart. Clouds of dangerous radioactive fallout fell over much of the Eastern world, killing most of those unfortunate enough to live nearby and creating yet more Abhumans and mutants in the populations further away from the impact sight. Seas relocated. The land was changed forever. 

And in the years of darkness afterwords, a young brother and sister named Berem and Jasla found a column with gemstones embedded in it near their farm in Neraka and, in prying one of them loose, opened Takhissis’ consciousness partially back to the Datasphere, setting the stage for the second War of the Lance to begin. 

J'ai trouvé ça plutôt original, et ayant les 8 premiers épisodes de la campagne de DL en français, du coup je vais me les relire pour voir si effectivement cela pourrait donner quelque chose de viable (à mes yeux).

Je vous tiens au courant clin d'oeil 


C'est vraiment très bon !


Arf je lis un peu l'anglais mais je ne suis pas encore très douée.  J'y travaille ! Et voilà de quoi le faire. Je m'y attèlerai à tête reposée.

Je vais le traduire dès que j'aurai un peu de temps.